Japanese Two Panel Screen: Moonlit Forest Landscape with Deer < >

Japanese Two Panel Screen: Moonlit Forest Landscape with Deer

Sumi Ink on Mulberry paper with silk brocade border and lacquer trim. Signature reads: Sobun. Seal reads: Morikawa Notes about the Artist: Morikawa Sobun (1847-1902) was born into a Kyoto merchant family. He began training as a painter at the age of 20, studying under various masters of the Shijō school, such as Maekawa Gorei and Hasegawa Gyokuhō. He was respected and chosen as a teacher when the Kyoto Municipal School of Painting was established in 1880.

68" h x 74 1/2" w x 3/4" d
172.7cm h x 189.2cm w x 1.9cm d
Item #
Price Range

Price Range
  • $0-$5,000
  • $5,001-$10,000
  • $10,001-$25,000
  • $25,001-$50,000
  • $50,001-$100,000
  • over $100,000